The one thing business owners can do to change their lives forever.

I’ve had a charmed entrepreneurial experience.  I don’t drive a Tesla or live in a waterfront mansion.  But big picture, I’m pretty damn lucky.

Still, there are a few things I wish I had done sooner.

Learning how to buy real estate is at the top of the list.

If you own a business, listen up.  Buying real estate for your business can be one of the best moves you can make.

The benefits are too good to ignore.

Most people can understand the long term benefit of owning commercial real estate.

Few people understand what’s possible in the short term.

In fact, the strategy I’m about to share with you is so powerful, I share it with anyone who owns a business.   Its especially good if you are starting a business or expanding an existing one.

It’s a simple 2 step strategy.

Here it is.

STEP 1: Purchase real estate

STEP 2: Take money out of your real estate to finance your business start-up

If you do this well it can cost you less cash than “just renting.”

Yes, you read that correctly.

Two years ago a friend of mine saved himself $240,000 doing this.

If you’re thinking, “Why doesn’t everyone do this?”  The simple answer is, most people don’t know how and don’t want to invest the time to learn.

Until 5 years ago that was me.

Not only was I lazy, but I justified my ignorance by telling myself that buying real estate was only for people with a lot of money.

Not true.

Leveraging real estate to finance your business is more commonplace that you think.  No “insider” loan programs or secret handshakes are necessary to pull this off.   Yes, there are some do’s and don’ts but nothing you can’t learn.  Once you know how it works you will kick yourself for not learning this sooner.

Ready to go down the rabbit hole?  Check back in a few weeks for more details.

Not convinced?   I’ll have something for you too.

Lastly, If you’re a business owner who owns commercial real estate, tell me about your experience.  What’s worked and what hasn’t? Are you glad you purchased the real estate?

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